
Sunday, July 29, 2012

First Modern Design Realized!

A while back I started working on a quilt for my friend Krystal.  See here.  I tried a layout like this:

But settled on one like this:

But then the question to quilt it?  I'd originally made a plan for quilting based on the first design plan.  Well, close to the end of the school year, I ended up with some hours to kill with only a new quilting book and a pad of paper to amuse myself.  I came up with a plan:

Now...I had no idea if I could actually execute this plan with limited free-motion experience...but I'm happy to report that I could!  It's amazing what you can do when you're trying to do it for someone else...someone that's going to love it no matter how it looks.  Normally, my perfectionism is my enemy.  I hope everyone is blessed to have friends that will love your crafts because you made them, and without judgement.

Here's a preview...the finished quilt is coming soon!
Love what you do!  Don't dwell on being perfect (lesson to my future self)...

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Apparently moving in with my new husband threw me into home-making mode.  I have not worried so much about cleanliness and organization ever in my life.  Unfortunately, two weeks in and it's wearing off...I was really hoping that would stick around.

What IS sticking around is a frenzy of food experimentation brought about by some really good deals at the grocery store and amazing farmers markets in Fairfax County.

Purely for my own far I've made:
1.) Summer marinated pasta, with lemon-herb marinated chicken and roasted tomatoes and garlic
2.) Meatball sandwiches (an old standby)
3.) Plum jam
4.) Bisquick oven fried chicken
5.) Lebanese cucumber salad
6.) Summer squash with onions
7.) Herb roasted potatoes (another old standby)
8.) Tomato and corn salad with lime cilantro dressing (this one I need to write down)

Still coming up...slow cooker lasagna and an Indian stir fry.

My craft corner is up and running again...more on that later!

It's been awhile...

Oh my goodness...

So much has happened...

First of all, I am the world's most pleased bride.  Everyone loved the wedding (me most of all), and if there was family drama, I never saw it.  John and I are happily married (finally) after 6 1/2 years of dating.

We went to Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island for our honeymoon.  And although I had a cold and nearly perforated my eardrum on the plane, we had a great time!

Things I love most about Canada:
1.) The friendly people
2.) Their love of the environment and local food/shopping culture
3.) The food
4.) Tea all the time
5.) Beautiful wool and crafts
6.) The wind (when it's not too intense)
7.) The scenery

I've also managed to sneak in some crafts / design time.  Most was geared towards the wedding or moving to Virginia.

I painted our wall and hung paintings I'd created earlier the week before.  As I was painting, I was interrupted by Fairfax County Schools and offered a JOB!!!  That made for a very good day.

The next few days were about learning my way around and finishing curtains.

UPDATE: This post was actually written twenty days ago!  I just needed to add pictures.