
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Science Olympiad, School, and other things that keep me from having the time to blog...'s been a long time.  I'll jump right in.

1.) Science Olympiad--I've been heading up our school team this year.  They've been passed from teacher to teacher and I stepped in with the hope that I'd enjoy it enough to be their sponsor for more than one or two years :)

Well, the year is nearly over, and I do LOVE this team.  If you're not familiar with SO, it's a competition that involves a team of 15 competing in 20+ science and engineering events (Anatomy,  Boomilivers, Robot arms, Chem lab, and Experimental design to name a few.)

Here we are at States with our 1st place trophy!!!

They did so well, and I'm so glad I can be there to support them.  At dinner, they went around the table and thanked me individually.  Apparently the things they appreciate most are my organizational skills, care and concern, and my cookies (I'm not surprised they like the cookies...who doesn't love cookies?)

Now we're headed to Nationals next weekend.  SO exciting and overwhelming!  I helped design our t-shirt and am in the progress of working on a banner.  Any tips on easy ways to finish off the edges?

2.) School.  The life of a teacher...let's just say that Teacher Appreciation Week falls in May for a reason.  We need it.  Personally I'm trying to deal with some ethics violations (cheating).  It's really unfortunate and very disappointing and is totally NOT my favorite part of the job.  Overall, I LOVE this new job and TJ and know that next year will be so much easier.  I can't wait to be able to focus on adapting my lessons instead of creating new ones. (Actually, I should be typing up a new "body systems" project right now.)

3.) There are some fun projects in the works.  I'll let the pictures do most of the talking.

John took me to Needle and Thread in Gettysburg for some shopping therapy just this weekend.

Jumping back in time, we went to my cousin Emily's wedding in Austin, TX.  It was SO great to see family and they had the most hilarious photo booth.  Steph and the other bridesmaids were beautiful.

Over spring break (in March) we also went to the George Washington Hotel in Winchester.  If you can catch a Living Social deal like we did--it's an unbelievable deal!  That was the same weekend we went to the quilt museum. 

Then Mom came to visit.  Here we are on a House tour.

Somewhere between spring break and now we went to Greenwood, SC for a wedding.  It was a short weekend trip, but we had a great time!  I'm always amazed how many people I still haven't met in this very small town.  They all know John and have great stories from his childhood. :)

I also got to spend an afternoon at the zoo with Cynthia.  It was my first time at our National Zoo, and I'll definitely be back.  We had a great time.  If you haven't, be sure to check out their Amazonia exhibit.

I have had time to get a few projects underway...

Over spring break I finished the charity top (finally!) and made this "Sweetheart Chic" apron.

Started the cosmos sampler to get some practice at embroidery.  I believe I took this picture while I was quarantined in bed with some kind of vicious bronchitis...winter in a room full of sick kids with unfamiliar germs was not kind to me this year.

Spent one morning rearranging fabric.  Now I'm ready if our guild hosts another scrap swap ;)

And finally started a project with a beautiful jelly roll Mom bought for me in Florida.  More of this to come as soon as I can get back at the sewing machine.

For now...I'm going back to fixing fajita bowls (YUMMM) for dinner, studying up on immunology, and grading the statistics part of the kiddos' research papers.