
Saturday, May 5, 2012

Saturday and Random...

So many things have happened since I've last written:

1.) Spring break arrived, and Mom, Steph, and I went out with my wedding photographer for my bridal portraits.  It was a 10-4 sort of affair on Good Friday--I took an hour long nap as soon as I got home.

2.) Packed up all most of my worldly belongings.  Then, the following weekend, Dad and I drove them to Virginia in the U-Haul.  Here's a shot of me driving:

And our new kitchen:

3.) The next weekend was a garage sale with Katie!  We had a blast chatting with her neighbors and selling some old stuff.  It was the perfect day for a sale--great weather, their garden was taking off and the neighbors wanted to see, and best of all, an auction in the neighborhood brought in fantastic amounts of traffic!

4.) The next week was our extreme fundraising event for March for Babies--I'll save you the details, but basically it couldn't have been done without two hours of crazy each day (collecting and receipting money).  I could have NEVER pulled it off without my excellent volunteer(s) (THANKS MOM!) and support from my Key Club students.  We raised over $2000 in a week...excellent!

5.) And that brings me to last weekend, which is really the reason I've been wanting to blog.  I gave Mom an early Mother's Day gift of a free motion quilting class.  Unfortunately, she did have some sewing machine issues, but she had the entire staff at Viking Says...Sew and Quilt helping her out.  My Janome and I were going to town.  Here's some of what I came up with:


I've come to a few conclusions:
A.) I love Aurifil thread and prefer to quilt with thin thread.
B.) I still need a lot of practice before I have consistent stitch lengths.
C.) Leaves are extremely fun to quilt.
D.) Bubbles are not hard or terrifying--but they are a lot of fun and they take focus.  They are also now one of my favorite patterns.
E.) I need more quilt tops prepared so that I can quilt something other than a practice swatch!

Here's my latest plan:

Quilting plan for the borders:

and the fabric to match:

And finally, I still need to block and bind (or create a pillow), but here is my finished wholecloth quilt from Leah Day's Quilt Along.


  1. This is beautiful! I found your blog through the link on Leah's.

  2. Hmm - I'll try circle again. When I first tried they were way to difficult for me to do, perhaps I can do it now!

    I'm also thinking about making a pillow with my Leah Day Whole Cloth practice. Too many thread nests on the back that need to be covered up!

    What a happy time of life for you - about to get married! Best wishes being sent your way!

    : )
    June in San Diego

  3. Sounds like you are busy having lots of fun things going on, and yet, in the midst of your wedding, you made time for FMQing... love your quilting samplers and your heart and feather quilt. Godspeed, mary


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