
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Quilt Along #36 and #39

This weekend's trip to Nashville was WONDERFUL!  So great to see Mom and Dad...and it will be even better to see Steph too at Christmas.

Mom and I discovered two great shops: Haus of Yarn (beautifully organized, great service, very knowledgeable) and Stitcher's Garden (an incredibly diverse shop...totally organized, but so full of fabric it can seem overwhelming...go with a plan and ask or wander for hours...either would work well here.)
Yarn for a new sweater.
During the moments I could snatch tonight and last night I did a few more practice squares of FMQ.  Among the many great things at Stitcher's Garden, I found Angela Walter's FMQ book.  So a few squares are inspired by her book and some are Leah Day's Free Motion Quilt Along.

#39 Quilt Busting Matrix
#36 Trapped Paisley
I love the purple and the paisley...of course I like most patterns involving paisley and love the color purple.  So I'm probably biased.

Linking up with WIP Wednesday and the Free Motion Quilt Along.

Free Motion Quilt AlongWIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced 
I also made a jar of red pens as "flowers" while watching Castle tonight. I'm hoping now they won't walk away when students borrow them.  I was going for obnoxious to hold but pretty to look at in a group.

I'm also looking forward to starting Leah Day's class on Craftsy! So much to do and so little time!


  1. The top with the spirals is my favorite.

  2. Your free motion quilting is really nice. I love Trapped Paisley, I´ve never seen this one before. Very interesting.

  3. Your FMQ is fantastic. Love the curls on the purple one and the trapped paisley is really cool too. I'm patiently waiting for my Angela Walters book to turn up too. Found you through Freshly Pieced WiP Wednesday.

  4. I aspire to that level of FMQ. I might need to do a QAYG to get my skills up. Your blocks are beautiful, as are your color choices.

  5. Hi! As usual, your fmq looks amazing! I have Angela's book, but I can't get the hooked curves to look like the amazing example on your purple square! Must keep practicing, I guess! :)

  6. Your FMQ is beautiful!! I love it! I'm a couple weeks behind with the quilt along, but I love how yours looks.

  7. I always enjoy your posts so!!!
    You've been tagged! A fun little blogging game to help share and get to know each other. Check out the rules on my blog here:

  8. I love angela walter's FMQ books! It has been my go-to book. Wow - your designs look great. Did you know that she also has a craftsy class too? It is really good.

  9. I am excited to be shopping for a new sewing machine. My goal is to learn FMQ. Your samples are an inspiration!

  10. I like all of your squares. I know I probably ought to be doing sample squares too, but have not attempted anything like that yet. But it is a great idea.

  11. The purple and paisley are my favorites as well! Great job!


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