
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Barbados bag

Well, I guess the pockets-to-go tote really got me on a pattern kick for sewing small, useful items.

Tuesday I started this:

And now, I have this:

The pieces--ready to be joined.
I was happy to see this mangled mess disappear.

Finished!!! :)
From the back
Inner pockets
I finished it last night and was able to wear it to work today.  So fun to be finishing things!

Linking up with Can I Get a Whoop Whoop Friday at Confessions of a Fabric Addict.


  1. Great bag Aubrie! And I really like the fabrics you used.

  2. Love it! And way to finish it so quickly. Is that Poetica fabric? I adore it. You are on a roll. What is next?

  3. I just bought this pattern at Capital Quilts this week! Was this hard to make up? I love all the pockets. It looked as though it would be a really useful bag.
    Linda F.

  4. Wow I love your fabric choices! And two finished projects in a week! Wow!

  5. What a smart little bag! Whoop whoop!!

  6. I love this bag!!! Love your fabrics. I am stuck on the back. Can't figure out how to do the inside pockets. I know I am missing something, just don't know what. I can't wait to finish it and made another!


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