
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

We're all a work in progress...

Reading everyone's 2013 blog posts and surviving the past few days at work has got me thinking a lot about people and development.  I've learned that even very bright students need to have skills modeled to them and then have time to practice those skills in a useful context.  Actually, my teaching philosophy lately has been all about skills--what can I teach them as people, as learners, WHILE they learn biology.  I've also been trying to have a good attitude through an insane amount of responsibilities (I'll spare you the details...but I love my job, and I don't mind giving 150%, and I was still pushed to tears and delirium in the past 48 hours).  However, I've come out on the other side (for a brief gasp of air) and people seem to be responding to the good attitude...who knows, maybe it will even catch on!  My hope for 2013 is to continue to keep growing--as a wife, a teacher, a friend, a knitter, a quilter...

And on that note...on to the quilting!

Still working on the charity quilt for QuiltCon with DC Modern.  Here's some of my favorite shots:

Here's my plan for the rest of the quilting:

Of course, with limited free time these days, there's no other projects currently in progress.  But I'm itching to finish:
-The Owl Quilt (Hooterville) for UFO Sunday
-The pink floral quilt just needs a border for a finished top
-My t-shirt quilt needs two sashings and borders for a finished top
-One charity quilt is waiting for binding
-One charity quilt is in pieces...might be a while for this one

And I really want to start working with these beauties:

I have a special plan in store for first design!

What's your current personal or quilting WIP goal?  How do you want to grow in the new year?

I'm linking up with WIP Wednesday and Free Motion Quilting Friday!


  1. Your free motion quilting is stunning!! You are so talented.

  2. You're FMQ is enviable. PINNED for quilting inspiration.

  3. Wow! You should TEACH a class at QuiltCon on FMQ. Soooo gorgeous, Aubrie!

    1. Thanks so much Heather...I don't feel like I'm quite ready for anything like that...yet ;)

  4. Great job quilting! Looks beautiful!

  5. Hang in there. Even in History we have those moments :) If only I could teach students to write.......

    1. It's nice to hear the other disciplines have the same feeling. Thanks :)

  6. Wow! Wow! Wow! That is totally beautiful! All on a domestic machine?

    1. Thanks Heidi! Yes I did; you can see pictures of it on the machine here

  7. I am in complete and total awe! That quilt is amazing! And you are give so much of yourself, and i'm sure you are as much of an inspiration to the kids as you are to me! You can do it!

    1. That's very sweet Elle. The best part of teaching this year has been that my students are extremely responsive to my "life-skill" lessons, and they're kind enough to come back and celebrate with me when my advice works out for them!

  8. oh my gosh! that quilting is so great! it is so nice that you are so close to being done with some of those WIPs only binding? GREAT!

  9. I love, love, love the quilting on the charity quilt. You've got so much of it done. I'm sure you'll be glad to get this done and on to your own quilts which seem to be almost done. Best wishes for all you are doing!
    Linda F.

  10. such a high bar set for the quilting. I am taking the bucking bronco approach - just holding on tight and hoping to not get thrown off :)


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