
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

WIP Wednesday--Progress happening!

I thought I'd be able to be more diligent about my blogging once summer started...but I'm too distracted by sewing and quilting!

First thing I attacked at the end of last week was the Lined Drawstring Bag from InColorOrder.  I selected fabrics according to the mosaic.

Came up with a improv-y pattern:

Added some FMQ (it was so good to be quilting again!)

And then brought the project together.  I love it!  (And I hope my swap buddy loves it too.)  Now I just need to figure out what to enclose.  We're doing $10 worth of sewing/quilting notions.  What would you want in a quilty treat bag?

The weekend was a special treat.  A dying workshop with Malka Dubrasky at A Stitch in Dye.  She blogged about the amazing workshop space here.

I'll just share photos and was AWESOME!  And it just gives me another reason to look forward to having a yard once we find a home...I'm totally inviting friends over to dye fabric!

Speaking of friends...Mandy has been coming over to sew with me.  Today I teach her to FMQ!  But yesterday we went to The Quilter's Studio at 9600 Main Street (next to FedEx) in Fairfax's Fair City Mall.  The shop was amazing!  I told my hubby I want to live there.

They helped me take these inherited fabrics:

And pair with these fabrics: (and they did it with such support and kindness--and showed so much joy as they helped us pick out fabrics)

Love the elephants! new favorite.

I love how old Kaffe prints look with the shimmer print.
So now I'm ready to cut pieces for Tula Pink's City Sampler blocks! (slowly chipping away at my list of WIP's from last week)

My t-shirt quilt is basted...I NEED more room... spray basting a twin size quilt really is no fun.  (I bought fusible batting at The Quilter's Studio for my next one.)
Sorry for the incredibly poor quality photo.

Me...exhausted after finishing.
Also on my list from last week...the silly sign for my classroom...inspired by Anjeanette...(her word is should check it out!)

 Entropy is a principle of energy that basically says things in the natural world tend toward chaos...It will hang on my desk...

I got ALMOST finished...but the binding was an inch is set aside in frustration :/
So...for next week I can work on:
FMQ on T-shirt quilt and/or Owl Quilt
City Sampler blocks
Finish binding the silly sign
Finish this name yet...but my mom picked the beautiful batiks

Thanks to Lee at Freshly Pieced for hosting WIP Wednesday.  I LOVE seeing what others are working on and getting support from commenters here.  Thanks for visiting!


  1. Hello,
    love your drawstring bag! What sort of batting/wadding did you use?
    Thank you. Beatrice.

  2. If I were your swap partner I would love your bag! Cute, cute, cute! blessings, marlene

  3. Your bag is CUTE, CUTE, CUTE!! The hand dying workshop looks like so much fun! I so want to do that one of these days and I agree it's a great excuse for a yard! ;)

  4. Wonderful bag! What a great design! You improvise very well!

  5. You certainly made up for a lapse in blogging by giving us all the news with pictures of what you've been working on. The dye workshop looks awesome. I can't wait to see what you make out of the fabric. Your quilted bag is beautiful. Love it!

  6. You have been so busy Aubrie! I don't know which project to comment on first.. but I love the sign you are making for your desk! Quite the conversation piece. And I envy the lucky quilter who gets your drawstring bag!


Thanks so much for stopping by! Your comments make my day!