
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Awesome weekend…Much needed...

I spent the Friday and Saturday with these amazing people…

And may I say that the world needs more people like these folks.  Some of them have known each other for years and years and yet they welcomed friends new and old in the same incredibly loving way.   God bless them all.

We were out on the Northern Neck of VA.  Beautiful…but COLD!

Fortunately, there was lots of knitting taking place indoors...
In the spirit of the Olympics, knitters everywhere pull out their unfinished projects to try to make some progress as we see amazing feats of strength, endurance, and speed on TV.
I REALLY enjoyed having some knitting buddies!

I also got to spend some time taking "art" photos of my newest quilt finish.  I've never had a finished quilt long enough to take it to a scenic place. (I tend to finish them right before I need to give them away, AND I don't get out to scenic places NEARLY enough…it's a double whammy!)

This quilt has already traveled with me a bit since I carried it to various social gatherings while I stitched the binding on.

More info to come about the quilt in a later post…but here are the photos! :)

Definitely my favorite…I really loved it out on the river…

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