
Thursday, September 13, 2012

I'm Thankful it's Thursday!

I've nearly made it through my first FULL week at my new job!  I celebrated by trying out last week's Free Motion Quilt Along #30.  Thank you Leah for having great timing!  This is one I've really been wanting to try (but of course I needed a nudge...)

It's the paisley design.  

John's comment was "are you going to do a whole quilt like that?" and then " many stitches..." It's the first time he's watched me while I was quilting.  I lured him in with the Season 1 finale of Monk ;)

I'm linking up with the other folks on Leah Day's blog that also tried paisley.  I'm also joining TNT Thursdays at Melissa's Happy Quilting blog since it's a new pattern for me.
Free Motion Quilt Along 
And a big thanks to my hubby!  Roast beef tonight!


  1. Your quilting looks beautiful!!! Love it!!!

  2. Oh wow! THis is your first crack at it? I would say you are a natural!

    1. Thanks! I think it was the perfect storm of a good week and really, really wanting to quilt...I found my groove!

  3. Is that your attempt at the paisley pattern? Looks perfect to me! That would make for a lot of work on a quilt. But could you imagine how spectacular of a quilt that would be? Wowza! (Did your hubby know that this weekend is the 150th anniversary of the battle of Antietam? Lots of stuff happening for it this weekend.)

    1. He was planning on going up, but he was away last weekend too so he might go up Monday for the actual anniversary. That's so sweet of you to think of him!

  4. Your Paisley FMQ looks absolutely beautiful.

  5. It looks great! It looks kind of organic, doesn't it? I was actually just thinking it could also look like granules on the surface of the Sun. (I know you're bio, but I'm an astro girl at heart!) Super job at paisley--I concur, you're a natural!

    1. Thanks! I love any relation to or not! I agree, organic is the right word for it!

  6. Wow - you are really inspiring me to start practicing FMQing - that looks amazing!

  7. You did an amazing job, very nicely done! I am planning to practice that stitch tomorrow, which will make me late. I thought about skipping it and then I saw your "attempt" and now I have to give it a try its just so pretty! Thanks for sharing!


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