
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

WIP--Quilting again!

I feel like celebrating...I've started to earn a place at my new school.  The kids are working hard, I'm working hard, and so far we (mostly) understand each other.  Hearing them debate the importance of science made me smile--no, grin like a silly person.  I'm aware it sounds too good to be true, so I'll add, it's a colossal amount of work.  I worked from 7 am to 11 pm yesterday (with a dinner break) and then went in at 6:30 to finish this morning. I've always enjoyed time with kids in a classroom (it's the other parts of the job that feel like work), and these kids are no different.  8:30 to 2:05 always flies by!

BUT...all that hard work meant I could quilt tonight!!!

The bunny quilt is finally being quilted!!!

Other works in progress:
Animal echo quilting for the classroom

The charity quilt

The owl quilt (Hooterville by Brandywine Design)...I started this in March!  At least the embroidery needs to be finished soon!
There's lots more, and I really want to start the Giant Granny Panties QAL too!  I'm a crazy person for thinking I've got time for this now that school's started.  But my wonderful (smart) hubby keeps encouraging me and helping out around the house so that we both have time for hobbies.  I say smart because I'm a much nicer person when I'm balancing work with craft.

Linking up to WIP Wednesday...make sure you check out the other fabulous projects there!  So much to inspire!  Also linking to Quilty Embellishment Day at Color Me Quilty...she's got a fabulous guest blogger there too!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

1 comment:

  1. LOL, I find I'm in a better mood when I am able to balance the work/craft too. Your projects look great, I esp. like those cute owls. Thanks for sharing!


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