
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

It's time to account for my WIPs...

It's been awhile since I've made myself a list of things in progress *deep breath* so here goes...

Quilty things in *active* progress:
1.) The bunny quilt!  It's coming along fabulously...but I've come to a standstill at the trimming and binding.  I want to practice on a few others first.

2.) The colorful baby quilt.  I could say this is one of my first quilts ever.  It's definitely the first quilt I tried to quilt on machine.  I hit some serious snags (see here), but thanks to the encouragement of UFO Sunday at The Free Motion Quilting Project, it's up and going again.  It just needs quilting around the purple squares.  THEN, I'll use it to practice binding.
Flowing lines quilting...I'm in LOVE!

3.) A charity quilt with an upcoming deadline.  Link up for 100 Quilts for Kids is looming on October 15!  I guess I should finish this one up quick!  Machine binding for this one!

Quilty things waiting in the wings: (fabric is in some stage of prep or the top is in progress)
1.) Another charity quilt...teen wonky log cabin. Love this one, but I guess it's waiting for next year.

2.) Giant Granny Panties quilt in pinks.  Fabric is washed, starched, and cut.  Ready to sew the top as soon as I cut the off-white for the border.

3.) Square root of nine quilt.  It will make a great baby quilt, but the cutting is so precise that I burned out part way through.
Lots of tiny pieces

Needs to look like the above, only that was 4 fat quarters and there's 8 to go!

4.) A fun scrappy colorful quilt (I really should come up with better names for my quilts).  Needs strips to be sewn together and the top is finished!

5.) The owl quilt.  A few more squares need machine applique then it's ready to be pieced together.  So cute, but I keep getting bored with the applique.

6.) A t-shirt quilt.  The shirts are prepped with interfacing and I bought fabric for sashing this past weekend!

7.) Quilt-as-you-go squares from the FMQ Project...lots of time to accumulate more of these.

8.) Quilted squares with animals and echo quilting.  Three done and hanging in class; three to go! (and yes, two that I'm not planning to finish any time soon...I admit room to hang them)

***Oh my, I'm good at starting projects!  And I've only been doing this for a year!***

Quilts for the future (Fabric is purchased and waiting)
1.) A Christmas Sampler quilt
2.) Pink and yellow baby quilt
3.) Modern quilt in teals and oranges

Other ideas:
I'd love to make a purple and green quilt with City Block by Kitty Yoshida for Benartex.
A traditional green and red applique quilt in four blocks.


Now that the list is out there in the world, I feel a bit ashamed.  Anyone else successfully winnow down a list like this?  How do you stay true to projects with no deadline?

Also...suggestions to name the poor quilts with really sad uncreative names?


I'm linking up to WIP Wednesday and the Free Motion Quilt Along!  Love these two groups!  Their participants give me so much inspiration (I'd blame them for the deluge of unfinished quilts that they helped inspire...but I know it's not their fault.)


  1. Great projects and love all the animal blocks!

  2. OMGosh girl! I can't keep up!! I think you have me beat by a mile, haha! As for your colorful quilt, I hope you find a binding method you like. Did I ever mention I freakin' love binding?? I don't know what it is about it. Maybe it is finally seeing a project complete. I prefer working with bias binding, always making my own(never store bought).Bias alwas comes out looking better for me than straight. Not sure why. Leah has a great video on how to attach it. Good luck!

    1. Thanks for the tips! I'm so glad SOMEONE out there in the world loves binding! I have a really hard time saying goodbye to projects I've enjoyed working on. I'm going to look up Leah's video and get back to quilting!

  3. Wow! Great projects! The bunny quilt is so cute and I love the colorful baby quilt! Charity quilts are always good to make! The animal blocks are fun and the echo quilting looks awesome! Visiting from WIP Wednesday!

  4. If I did the full list like this, would be much longer and make me feel worse than I already do about how slow I am! But...I probably should, just so I can stay organized. One of these days! I do love binding...the part I actually like the least right now is sandwiching (mostly because I don't have a good place to do it) and quilting (mostly because I need practice and my space for it is not ideal). But binding...I love binding, especially sewing it by hand on the back. It means I've actually finished something, which seems a rarity. I prefer homemade bias binding, and my go-to site for that is and I've taken to making enough for multiple quilts at a time. I do straight of grain binding, too, especially when I'm short on fabric or if the fabric print direction calls for it (or if I want to reuse jelly roll strips and just cut them down, since I like a 2.25" binding starting width.) Naming is hard...I tend to name my quilts based on who they are for, or the name of the design plus the color, but now I'm going to think about that for when I do eventually post a post like this! See you tomorrow?


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