
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Time for a teaching post...

I've been blogging so much about quilting lately, and it is my main way of recording my craft, but I had to share some great photos of our class field trip.

We're using FWS land to study salamanders, so the kids are working on elevation and vegetation studies in the pools while they're dry.  Basically, we have a surveying scope (transit?) and a 23x28 meter field.  Most of the kids end up holding a pole with centimeters marked on it so that we can measure the depth of about 200 square meters.  If you've done field studies (or really any research) before, you know there are some boring, repetitive elements.  They figured that out today!  Some of them really loved it, and I saw some great leaders emerge!

On the orientation day we saw some great wildlife and learned how to identify trees with a dichotomous key.  Here's a few highlights...I apologize for blurry pictures, I was competing with around 70 excited teenagers...and there's no winning that fight...I gave them their space and let them be excited.

A few native species clipped off by the bus...Persimmon and Paw paw least his habitat is in focus...

Saved from underneath our tires!
 Well, I've got to go rest's day 4 of field trip time tomorrow!  I can't wait for spring when the ponds fill up and we get the kids in hip waders to search for egg masses!

1 comment:

  1. Your field trip looks awesome...I miss field work, but I like repetitive tasks (clearly, since I'm a quilter!).


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